Our Expertise

Since 2013, Towner Companies has been investing in real estate throughout Rochester, Minnesota. We have developed a proven investment strategy that has allowed us to grow exponentially while gaining valuable industry expertise and expanding our real estate investment portfolio.



The first step towards analyzing a deal is ensuring it will perform, and provide strong cashflow. The cashflow must be strong enough to make sense of an investment, while also being able to withstand a “bad year” or an economic recession. Once a deal makes sense to invest in, you must be able to provide the bank with a projection report that they can understand, to prove that you will be able to service the debt on the property.

Capital Structuring

Our proven track record has created opportunities for win-win partnerships. Towner Companies believes in diversifying not only asset types, but also the risk involved with real estate investing. The partners of Towner Companies enjoy the rewards of a completely passive income stream, as the Management Arm of the company handles the operations and asset management.


The most important part of real estate, Towner Companies leverages the acquisition arm of its company, called Towner Acquisitions to negotiate, perform due-diligence, and secure cash flowing assets.

Due Diligence

Towner Acquisitions leverages its skills and experience to predict how the building will operate and what type of expenses should be forecasted for capital improvements.


Utilizing debt is the most powerful tool in real estate investing. Towner Companies believes in leveraging the resources of the company and it’s partners wisely, in order to maximize returns, while finding the delicate balance of minimizing risk and exposure to the business.


Finding a piece of land is the original American dream. Developments are fun and exciting, but also come with some additional risks. Proper pro-forma creation and a thorough due-diligence process are critical steps to complete before purchasing land for developments. Developments take guts, vision, capital, and teamwork.

Construction Management

Greg’s background in the Commercial Construction Industry speaks for itself. He has managed over $100 Million Dollars’ worth of real estate construction and development projects.